The Role of Hope in Promoting Society-Oriented Future Goal

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Vina C. Gavilano
Ma. Jenina N. Nalipay
Adonis P. David


college students, locus-of-hope, society-oriented future goal, education


It is important to provide students with resources to achieve not only their future personal goals, but also those that are intended to contribute to the society. The study investigated the role of internal and external locusof-hope dimensions in promoting society-oriented future goal in a sample of college students. Survey questionnaires were administered to 528 college students selected through convenience sampling in order to measure the study variables. Results of regression analysis revealed external locus-of-hope dimensions (i.e., family, peers, and spirituality), but not internal locus-of-hope, as predictors of society-oriented future goal. These findings underscore the important role played by family, peers, and spirituality in promoting students' future aspirations to help and contribute to the society with education as one prospective pathway.
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