
We are delighted to share that The Normal Lights, APHERJ, and ASTEN have been included in EBSCOhost databases EBSCO is a well-respected online full-text database that provides access to articles from renowned publishers’ peer-reviewed journals worldwide.

We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to all the reviewers, referees, and authors who have contributed to the success of our journals. This accomplishment would not have been possible without your valuable contributions. We are grateful for your support and look forward to your ongoing assistance in maintaining the journals’ high quality.

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The PNU-Publication Office proudly announces the recent achievement of The Normal Lights (TNL) as a newly indexed journal in the Andrew Gonzales Philippine Citation Indexing (AGPCI), a journal indexing and citation database for Philippine academic journals of De La Salle University. The certificate of recognition was awarded today, May 25, 2021.

The Editorial team extends its sincere appreciation to the support provided by the Associate Editors of TNL, the peer reviewers, and the current University administration headed by Pres. Bert J. Tuga.


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The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) recently recognized The Normal Lights (The PNU's Journal on Education and Teacher Education) as a Journal Incentive Program (JIP)-Journal Incubation Grantee (CMO 53, s.2016). The awarding ceremony was held yesterday (November 22, 2017) in Cebu City, Philippines with Dr. Wilma S. Reyes, the Vice President for Research, Planning and Quality Assurance accepting the award.

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The Normal Lights. The Philippine Normal University's journal on education and teacher education has been accepted as one of the recipients of the first batch of journals for the "Journal Incentive Program-Journal Incubation Grant (JIP-JIG)" for 2017-2020. Journal Incubation grant provides the journal with opportunities to leverage to international and well-renowned journal indexing databases.

Please visit for more details.

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