Compassion and Forgiveness- Based Intervention Program on Enhancing the Subjective Well-Being of Filipino Counselors: A Quasi-Experimental Study

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Maryfe M. Roxas
Adonis P. David


compassion, Filipino counselors, forgiveness of others, forgiveness of self, intervention program, self-compassion subjective well-being, education


This study reports the initial try out of an intervention program aimed to enhance subjective wellbeing through increase in individual's levels of compassion and forgiveness. The program was conducted among Filipino counselors. A single group pretest-posttest quasiexperimental design was adopted to test the effect of the Compassion and Forgiveness-Based Intervention Program on subjective well-being. Sixteen counselors enrolled in their post graduate degree were recruited to participate in the modular courses held in four sessions, four hours per session run in a two-month period. Pre-test and posttest assessments were conducted before and after the intervention program. Results obtained from paired t-tests demonstrated significant increase in the counselors' levels of compassion for others, self-compassion, forgiveness of others and subjective well-being after the intervention program. The results provide initial evidence on the role of compassion and forgiveness as pathways to subjective well-being. It is recommended that more interventionist research agenda be conducted to further examine the role of compassion, forgiveness to counselors' well-being
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