Development of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) in College Statistics

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Leticia V. Marquez


ADDIE Model, Computer Assisted Instruction, development, education


The study developed a Computer Assisted Instructional (CAI) learning material in College Statistics using ADDIE Model based on the performance of the students in a local government managed university in Manila. A descriptive developmental method of research designed the CAI learning material in college statistics using the ADDIE model. This model is composed of the five phases; analyzing, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating result provide details of the participants for the validation and evaluation of the CAI. Results reveal that the material is suited to the needs of the students, lessons are adequate to attain the objectives, and the lessons are suited to the students. Furthermore, results show that topics such as introduction to statistics, the measures of central tendency and measures of variations, can be taught using CAI in teaching college statistics as recommended by the graduates who took the board examination.
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