Number Theory Worktext for Teacher Education Program

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Ryan V. Dio


development and evaluation, Number Theory, Mathematics worktext, Teacher Education Program, education


The lack of available reference materials for Number Theory course intended for the Filipino learners of the Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) delimits the attainment of the program objectives in terms of content standards. This descriptive-developmental study evaluated and tested the effectiveness of the developed Number Theory Worktext for Mathematics students of Teacher Education programs. The purposively chosen Mathematics professors/instructors, graduate and undergraduate Mathematics major students in Bicol region evaluated the worktext in terms of content and coverage, theoretical considerations, appearance/visual appeal, and language used using the adopted assessment form for instructional materials. Results show that the worktext is valid and reliable as classroom instructional material and can significantly improve the performance of the students in the course. Further validation and periodic revisions of the materials shall be done to accommodate changes or updates in the Philippine Teacher Education program.

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