Reciprocal Teaching Approach with Self-Regulated Learning (RT-SRL): Effects on Students Reading Comprehension, Achievement and Self-Regulation in Chemistry

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Carmela O. Capanzana
Ruel A. Avilla


achievement, reading comprehension, reciprocal teaching (RT) approach, self-regulated learning (SRL), self-regulation, education


Reciprocal teaching is an interactive approach which provides students with reading strategies such as predicting, question generating, clarifying, and summarizing while self-regulated learning encompasses strategies which students use to achieve better learning outcomes. In this study, the effects of Reciprocal Teaching approach with Self-Regulated Learning (RT-SRL) to reading comprehension, achievement and self-regulation among nine graders in chemistry were investigated. The study utilized quasi-experimental pretest-posttest research design to a total of one hundred thirty one (131) nine graders from four intact sections in a public high school in Lopez, Quezon. In this study, purposive sampling was employed since the participants were not randomly assigned to groups and were already assigned to different class sections before the conduct of the study. Three validated instruments used in the study included: Reading Comprehension Test for assessing students reading comprehension; Achievement Test for assessing students achievement; and Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ) for measuring students self-regulation. Statistical results revealed that RT-SRL had significant effects on students reading comprehension and achievement but had no significant effect on students self-regulation in chemistry. Results also showed that students and teachers responded positively on the use of RT-SRL in learning and teaching chemistry, respectively. It is recommended that RT-SRL be employed in teaching science and chemistry in K to 12 curriculum.

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