Online In-Service Training for Secondary Teachers: A Prototype for the Philippines

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Antriman V. Orleans


training model, secondary teachers, physics teachers, education


This paper proposes an online, short-term training model for in-service physics teachers in the Philippines. Developmental considerations for the model were based on the frameworks of established open universities in some developed and developing countries, the condition of information technology infrastructure in Philippine schools, the teachers' competence, skills and willingness to take part in online trainings, and the challenges identified after the implementation of an exploratory online training program in the country.

Adopting the ideas of the Transactional Model of distance education system, the proposed model stresses the terms of reference and interrelationships of the three model proponents, the three main actors, and the logistic support. The model proponents are comprised of the program planners and developers, including the material developers and organizers, even the training administrator and manager, while the three main actors include the tutors, the trainees, as well as the program director.

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