Questions Students Ask as Indices of their Comprehension

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Ronelo Collamar
Alice M. Karaan
Maria Sarah S. Palma


Barrett taxonomy of comprehension levels, metacognition, schema theory, student-generated questions, education


This study investigated student-generated questions as indices of comprehension levels; employed the descriptive design to describe comprehension levels of 46 Grade 8 participants via their generated questions; employed question-generation sheets for both narrative and expository texts to gather data; utilized three phases to carry out the study; and used mean and percentages to report the data. Results revealed that: (1) the fivecomprehension levels ranked the same for both texts;  (2) questions on character traits surfaced in narrative but not in expository; (3) reorganization level obtained the lowest percentage for both texts; (4) few questions were exhibited under reorganization and appreciation levels; (5) schemata and metacognitive were employed; and (6) L1 aided them on question generation. The study concluded that comprehension is triggered when participants are given leeway to generate questions before, during, and after reading the selections. It recommended that: (1) student questions may be utilized; (2) a seminar on Barrett taxonomy may be introduced; and (3) future researchers may conduct a similar study.

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