A Conflict Management Program for Teachers

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Arlon P. Cadiz
Danilo H. Villena
Adelina H. Velasco


Conflict management program, conflict situations, handling conflicts, teachers' productivity, education


Conflict is natural in an organization such as the academe. Indeed, teachers also experience conflicts in school. This study is premised on the belief that conflict adversely affects teachers' productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. An effective management of conflict may, thus, result in enhanced teachers' productivity. Involved in this study were 352 randomly selected secondary public school teachers from 12 schools, two schools from each of the six districts in the Division of Quezon City,Philippines. The locally-structured survey questionnaires, items or indicators of which were developed based on the pre-surveys, were validated by five experts from different institutions with specialization in educational management and supervision. The obtained coefficients of .9769 and .8432 showed that the two survey instruments were good and reliable based on standards. The findings revealed that the area of learners' achievement was the most perceived conflict among teachers, followed by lesson planning and instruction which tied with assessment of students' learning, classroom management, school, home, and community relations, and lastly professional and personal characteristics. The teachers handled conflicts between and among them by directly confronting, negotiating, and suggesting something for agreement with the concerned teacher. On the Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST), the teachers performed Very Satisfactorily in all areas. Furthermore, there was no significant relationship between perceived conflicts between teachers and their level of productivity. The findings led to the development of the proposed Conflict Management Program for Teachers.

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