Development of a Guidance Model on Personal and Social Competence for Kindergarten Pupils

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Leonora L. Varela
Zenaida Q. Reyes
Teresita T. Rungduin


Guidance model, personal competence, social competence, kindergarten pupils, MC FISC Model, education


Early childhood years serve as a prime time for learning and growth into a responsible individual. In cognizance of this fact, one research highlighted that children who lack personal/social skills can display a variety of problems. A workable framework anchored on the competencies identified by the Department of Education (DepEd) and the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) was used in this study to explore and underscore personal and social competencies as output of the Kindergarten Model. The case study using observations of and in-depth interviews with 10 kindergarten teachers was utilized. Structured and unstructured interviews were conducted through one-on-one interviews and focusgroup discussion (FGD), which led to the emergence of six themes and 18 codes as empirical data. These themes were centralized on self; structuring relationships; diverse difficulties; influential issues; acquiring self-knowledge; and constellation of relationships. The study puts forward that a counseling approach can be integrated in teaching kindergarten pupils to help them become well rounded individuals and that the need to develop their personal and social competence can be addressed through the MC FISCS Model””modeling, child-friendly environment, familial atmosphere, insightful dialogue, social play, cooperative behavior, and self-advancement.

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