Development and Validation of Standard Competencies in Architectural Drafting Technology Program

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Karlo S. Sira


Architectural drafting technology, development, standard competencies, validation, education


This descriptive study was conducted to develop and validate the proposed standard competencies for Architectural Drafting Technology Program of the Bachelor in Industrial Technology Curriculum of the Western Visayas College of Science and Technology. It sought to ascertain the degree of importance of each underpinning knowledge, skills, and attitude, and to determine if significant differences exist between the degrees of importance for each domain as evaluated by the academe and industry sectors. The data gathered from purposively selected 40 respondents from the academe and 20 from the industry based in the Iloilo Province were interpreted and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The results revealed that both sectors agreed to all the items but differed in their evaluation. The overall rating obtained had a verbal interpretation of “very highly necessary” which means that the proposed standard competencies are valid and acceptable. In addition, a significant difference in the degree of importance existed in favor of the academe. The researcher recommended for the implementation of the standard competencies in other state universities and colleges in Western Visayas.

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