Oppression to Empowerment: Implications for Transformative Education
Main Article Content
Empowerment, gender-based violence, transformative education
This qualitative case research analyzed the gender-based violence (GBV) encountered by university students and their empowering actions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study utilized online in-depth unstructured interviews among eight cases selected for their experience with violence. Using thematic analysis, emerging themes from the interview data included different forms of GBV; such as physical, sexual, psychological, economic, and online, while their empowering strategies were undertaken at the personal, relational, and social levels. This study showed the importance of being empowered to prevail over oppressive experiences. Lessons from the process provided input in applying the principles of transformative education. Expectedly, the findings will address issues on policy research on GBV and methodological challenges in transformative education.
Publication History
Version of Record online: June 19, 2023
Manuscript accepted: June 13, 2023
Manuscript revised: June 8, 2023
Manuscript received: February 27, 2023
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