Capturing Educators' Experiences in Integrating the Religious of Virgin Mary (RVM) Pedagogy in Teaching from a Faith-based Higher Education Institution

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Kurt S. Candilas
Raquel J. Dael
Anthony Ly B. Dagang
Kriscentti Exzur P. Barcelona
Rhandy M. Oyao
Madeleine C. Zamayla


college teaching, dynamism, faith-based institution, phenomenology, RMV pedagogy


Christ-centered pedagogy that integrates values, scriptural texts, and contemporary societal realities across disciplines in the teaching-learning process enables students to use their practical knowledge and abilities in a variety of settings. This study sought to gain a deep understanding of the college teachers' experiences in incorporating the Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM) learning pedagogy into instruction at a Christ-centered pedagogy that integrates values, scriptural texts, and contemporary societal realities across disciplines in the teaching-learning process enables students to use their practical knowledge and abilities in a variety of settings. This study sought to gain a deep understanding of the college teachers' experiences in incorporating the Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM) learning pedagogy into instruction at a private Catholic institution in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. The transcendental phenomenological research design was utilized. A purposeful sampling of six college teachers was employed for the conduct of an in-depth interview following Seidman's guide. Moustakas' Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen method was likewise used to analyze the participants' experiences. Findings reveal that RVM pedagogy for college teachers means that teaching as a vocation and the tradeoffs of good teaching are byproducts of environmental influence and ecological perspectives on teaching. The essence, therefore, of the RVM pedagogy manifested the college teachers' dynamism to teach the learning outcomes of the subject in real-life situations. It is a powerful tool for the personal and collective progress of students gearing towards a transformative, quality Ignacian Marian education. The study points to the need for further empirical investigation using the quantitative research design to increase the generalizability of the findings covering the RVM schools throughout the country. 


Publication History

Version of Record online: June 7, 2023

Manuscript accepted: May 19, 2023

Manuscript revised: May 15, 2023

Manuscript received: February 7, 2023

Abstract 513 | PDF Downloads 60


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