A Qualitative Cross-Sectional Study on Gender Issues in the Schools Division of Marikina: Basis for GAD Policy Recommendations
Main Article Content
Gender issues, gender analysis, school gender policy
This study aims to analyze the gender issues in selected public schools in Marikina based on the experiences of various stakeholders to serve as basis for GAD policy recommendations toward contextualizing Gender-Responsive Basic Education (GRBE) policy. This study employed a qualitative cross-sectional research design and used focus group discussion (FGD) to capture the experiences and practices among students, teachers, and parents, and utilized the stakeholders' analysis framework. Bullying and microaggressions from classmates and teachers were identified. Teachers' gender biases and gender blindness in instruction and inadequate school facility to support a gender-responsive school environment also surfaced. The contextualized GRBE policy of schools in Marikina is recommended to have a clear communication program on GAD. Committees that promote GAD and deter gender-based violence should be strengthened. Capacity building of teachers, school personnel, and school managers were recommended and to strengthen partnership among education stakeholders to effectively address gender issues.
Publication History
Version of Record online: June 7, 2023
Manuscript accepted: May 29, 2023
Manuscript revised: May 24, 2023
Manuscript received: April 11, 2021
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