Developing a Process Model of Academic Success Using the American School Counselors Association (ASCA) Academic Standards

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Evelyn C. Bagaporo
Adelaida C. Gines
Wilma S. Reyes


academic success, ASCA Academic Standards, financially-challenged, Process Model, education


Using the grounded theory method, this  study described what academic success is in terms of  the American School Counselors Association (ASCA)  Academic Development Standards and how it was  achieved by 30 financially challenged college students  studying in a Philippine university that offers teacher  education courses. Results indicated that the combination  of knowledge, skills, and attitudes was significant in the  academic achievement of the students through three factors  responsible for their success in college: physical survival  skills amidst poverty, illnesses, fatigue, and personal  as well as family challenges; mental determination to  improve their lives; and emotional control to mediate  physical and emotional suffering. These three factors,  despite financial challenges, accounted for the students'  choice of an academic track after secondary education  and the application of such choice to their life roles. The  process of academic success that was created is cyclical,  with outcomes enhancing students' knowledge, skills, and  attitudes. The results can be utilized by counselors as a guide in understanding similarly situated students and in  creating more relevant programs.Further, the findings implied that the ASCA  Standards are achievable not only through the school counseling program, but also through the participation  of significant persons such as parents, relatives, teachers,  and peers. It is suggested, though, that more research be undertaken towards the participation.

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