Suicide Potential and Depression: Risk and Protective Factors among College Students in the Philippines

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Rodrigo V. Lopiga


Depression, student depression, suicide, suicide potential, student suicide


The study evaluated the level of suicide potential and depression among college students including the risk and protective factors for suicide. Descriptive correlational method was used where 915 respondents participated in this study. Three standardized tests were used to test the level of suicide potential, level of depression, and the importance of the risk and protective factors. Results showed that suicide potential among students was moderate to high and the level of depression was average. It also revealed that family alliance and self-acceptance were among the significant risks and protective factors to the respondents and that depression was significantly associated with suicide potential. The results implied that there are substantial number of students with high level of depression and high level of suicide potential that may need clinical intervention. This study suggests that the guidance, counseling, and psychological services should include not only the guidance counselors but also the psychologists and psychiatrists to cater to those who need thorough psychological intervention.


Publication History

Version of Record online: December 22, 2021

Manuscript accepted: December 13, 2021

Manuscript revised:November 25, 2021

Manuscript received: October 9, 2019

Abstract 770 | PDF Downloads 228


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