Technology in Language Education Course: Operationalizing TPCK in Preservice Language Teacher Education

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Nerissa Ogardo-Zara


Language Teaching, preservice training, technology in teaching, TPCK


This study examines the experiences and attitude of the first cohort of students who took a discipline-focused educational technology course in a teacher education institution. This course, Technology in Language Education, utilize Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge (TPCK) framework to train 107 preservice teachers to utilize and innovate with technological tools. The results of the post-evaluation questionnaires answered by 58 of these preservice teachers suggest the achievement of both the program and course learning outcomes. In the follow-up surveys conducted after practicum and during their first year of teaching, evidence of knowledge and skill transfer were expressed. Furthermore, lesson plans evaluated using Harris, Grandgenett, and Hofer's (2010) TPACK-Based Technology Integration Rubric imply the students' fulfillment of the learning outcomes of the course.


Publication History

Version of Record online: December 22, 2021

Manuscript accepted: November 15, 2021

Manuscript revised:October 23, 2021

Manuscript received: April 20, 2020

Abstract 125 | PDF Downloads 19


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