The Elaboration of Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

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Florisa B. Simeon
Epifania V. Tabbada


Communities of Practice, content knowledge, elaboration, pedagogy


The research aimed to elaborate the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST), Domain 1 Content Knowledge and Pedagogy based on the Communities of Practice (CoPs) of Araling Panlipunan teachers. The FGD was conducted to 34 purposively selected Araling Panlipunan teachers sourced from five high schools in the National Capital Region (NCR). Selection of these teachers were based on their ranks as Teacher I, II, or III and with their teaching experience of five or more years. The codes, themes and memos generated from the FGD transcripts were the basis for the development of the elaboration document. This qualitative research that utilized different sources such as FGDs, interviews and verification tools to confirm the FGD results, and triangulation assisted the researchers to determine aptness and accuracy of the gathered data. The interviews and verification process with the Master Teachers and teacher education specialists substantiated and improved the elaboration document. The research revealed the Content Knowledge and Pedagogy of teachers relevant to the teaching of Araling Panlipunan. This research suggests that elaboration be conducted in other specific learning areas, other PPST domains, and with larger number of participants and broader verification in the country.


Publication History

Version of Record online: December 22, 2021

Manuscript accepted: November 15, 2021

Manuscript revised: November 3, 2021

Manuscript received: September 24, 2020

Abstract 967 | PDF Downloads 41


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