Emerging Reasons and Consequences of Early School Leaving in Quezon Province

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Antonio V. Romana
Amelita A. Gaerlan


case study, early school leavers (ESL), qualitative research, semi-structured interview, thematic analysis


This research investigated the reasons that led school-aged children in Quezon province to leave school early. It utilized qualitative case study method. The researcher recruited four early school leavers and their parents to participate through snowball sampling technique. The data were gathered through semi-structured interviews and video recordings where transcribed data were subjected to thematic analysis to classify emerging reasons and results of early school leaving. Findings revealed that satisfaction from work and money, failure to understand English language, and children's reactions to derogatory actions and remarks influenced school-aged children to quit schooling. Consequently, the participants experienced negative consequences such as unstable jobs and feelings of regret. Hence, interplay of diverse reasons led students' decision to quit school. However, further local studies must be endeavoured to triangulate statistical reports in mitigating undocumented causes of early school leaving.


Publication History

Version of Record online: June 18, 2021

Manuscript accepted: November 24, 2020

Manuscript revised:November 19, 2020

Manuscript received: April 29, 2019

Abstract 436 | PDF Downloads 84


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