Guiding Children Through Self-Learning Modules (SLM): Exploring Parents' Experiences

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Marilou T. Ramirez
Janus A. Naparan
Genesis B. Naparan


Distance learning, modular learning, parents’ experiences, parental involvement


Parents have to take over the challenges in teaching children during the pandemic. This phenomenon became instrumental and significant as the education system tried to overcome the temporary suspension of face-to-face classes by adopting distance learning. This qualitative case study explored parents' experiences in teaching their children at home. The researchers interviewed 12 kindergarten parents who taught their children at home using self learning modules (SLM). Based on the results, the parents' experiences centered on their roles as learning facilitators, their encountered challenges, and their strategies to manage them. Regardless of the educational attainment of kindergarten parents, they experienced difficulties in their new involvement in their child's learning. On the other hand, some perceived their new role as a rewarding job and treated their children as their motivation to teach them using self-learning modules. The study recommends the need to intensify the capacity-building of parents to help them facilitate their children's learning with ease.


Publication History

Version of Record online: June 18, 2022

Manuscript accepted: June 29, 2022

Manuscript revised: June 21, 2022

Manuscript received: July 26, 2021

Abstract 474 | PDF Downloads 295


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