Exploring Teaching Strategies and Challenges Towards a Holistic Context-Based Special Education Teaching Strategies Program

Main Article Content

Jordan M. Pocaan


Adaptation, inclusion, modification, motivation, sign language


This phenomenological research study explored the challenges and strategies of six identified special education teachers in the Legazpi City Division. The study employed in-person interviews using a validated instrument and audio recordings. The study focused on the assessment of students' current levels of functioning, planning and individualized education programs, collaboration and consultation with multidisciplinary team members, and adaptation of content activities. Results deduced from coding revealed that reading and discussion method, monopolizing decisions, and additional cost in modifying instructional materials were the major challenges. Moreover, the individualized instructions, strong motivation, and classroom policies, content, and modifying instructional materials were major strategies. The study formulated a holistic context-based special education teaching strategies program that highlights the faculty management program, the students support program, and the administrative support program. Faculty development programs aid teachers in not being left behind. Investing in teachers’ professional growth is suggested.


Publication History

Version of Record online: June 18, 2022

Manuscript accepted: June 7, 2022

Manuscript revised: May 25, 2022

Manuscript received: March 2, 2022

Abstract 3935 | PDF Downloads 3291


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