Effect of Organizational Commitment on Turnover Intention of Senior High Private School Teachers in Cebu City, Philippines

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Ma. Vanesa Oberes
Tiffany Adelaine Tan


Educational administration, educational quality, teacher’s commitment, teaching profession, turnover intention I


The additional two years of the country's basic education program worsened the private school teacher shortages, posing a potential problem to retain competent teachers as they are affected by teachers' migration to public schools. This paper examined the effect of organizational commitment on turnover intention of senior high (S.H.) private school teachers in one of the biggest cities in the country. Purposive sampling was used to collect data from the top four S.H. private schools in Cebu City with the highest number of students. A total of 220 Cebu City-based teachers completed the survey. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to analyze the collected data. Results show that affective and normative commitments have significant and negative relationships with turnover intention. These results suggest that private schools in Cebu City need to develop activities that can build teacher-institution relationships to increase the emotional attachment and obligations of the teachers to stay for their students and institution. The study recommends to conduct a study exploring mediating factors (e.g., job satisfaction and employee empowerment) to provide more comprehensive results on turnover intention.


Publication History

Version of Record online: June 18, 2022

Manuscript accepted: June 8, 2022

Manuscript revised: June 6, 2022

Manuscript received: November 24, 2021

Abstract 895 | PDF Downloads 99


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