Impact Evaluation of Teacher-Training Extension Program in Higher Education: A Qualitative Assessment Approach

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Cherrylyn P. Labayo


Evaluability, Kirkpatrick model, lesson learning, qualitative assessment, training extension program


While the teacher-training program is one of the prominent extension modalities in Higher Education Institutions, a closer look at the literature has revealed several gaps in evaluating the long-term impacts of training programs. The present study addressed limitations related to the absence of baseline data and the evaluation framework by using Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation to assess a teacher-training extension program at a university in Bicol region, Philippines. Findings suggest that the teacher-training was successfully implemented at the reaction level but failed to assess changes in learning and behavior after the training was conducted. However, the results level was measured using the Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol (QuIP). Causal statements from the key informants in QuIP revealed positive changes during the evaluation period but without explicit reference to the training program. Based on the evaluation results, lessons learned were documented along with the training extension program’s timing, duration, and monitoring. Consequently, the study recommended the appraisal of existing practices and extension policies on teacher-training programs and other similar undertakings with evaluability criteria and standards.


Publication History

Version of Record online: June 18, 2022

Manuscript accepted: June 8, 2022

Manuscript revised: June 01, 2022

Manuscript received:April 8, 2022

Abstract 367 | PDF Downloads 82


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