Transformative Online Mentoring: The Student Interns' Lenses

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Jennifer B. Gonzales


Online student internship, phenomenological research, student internship, transformative mentoring


The implementation of distance - online learning during the COVID-19 outbreak prompted an online student internship in the Higher Education Institutions. This required an adjusted mentoring strategy suited to the training needs of the student interns amidst the academic shift. This study explored online mentoring through the lenses of the 11 student interns. The student interns' participation was based on purposive sampling and the number of participants was determined based on data saturation. This study utilized Husserlian phenomenology as a design and Colaizzi method in analyzing the data. Significant statements from the narratives were extracted and coded, and themes were formulated. The online mentoring as presented in themes includes communicating vision, putting an online system in place, adjusting online strategies, employing effective problem-solving methods, creating a strong virtual support, and transforming the student interns. These themes were utilized in creating the transformative online mentoring model. It was found out that effective online mentoring requires improved strategies that need to be implemented to ensure quality internship and pre-service education. It was recommended that teacher education programs must prepare pre-service teachers with digital and virtual skills prior to their student internship.


Publication History

Version of Record online: June 18, 2022

Manuscript accepted: May 31, 2022

Manuscript revised: May 15, 2022

Manuscript received: March 14, 2021

Abstract 168 | PDF Downloads 21


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