Acceptability of Learning Guides for Teacher Education Field Study Courses

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Ritzelda A. Deri
Susan S. Janer
Felisa D. Marbella


acceptabilty, field study, learning guides, teacher education, Sorsogon


The study determined the acceptability and utilization issues of the developed learning guides (LG) in Field Study 5 (Learning Assessment Strategies) and Field Study 6 (On Becoming a Teacher). This paper utilized a descriptive research design using non-parametric and thematic analyses. The data were collected from two sets of respondents in two non-consecutive school years, using a survey questionnaire and an unstructured interview guide. Results showed that the LG for the two subjects were above acceptable in relation to the criteria on target competency, learning plan, assessment, and technical aspects. Moreover, utilization issues were identified for future improvement of the LGs. The study recommends that the Field Study Learning Guide (FSLG) be officially used by the College and by other Teacher Education Institutions (TEI) in the province.


Publication History

Version of Record online: June 18, 2021

Manuscript accepted: March 15, 2021

Manuscript revised: February 16, 2021

Manuscript received: January 24, 2019

Abstract 223 | PDF Downloads 25


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