The Comprehension Levels of Selected Grade Four Pupils vis-a-vis Text and Test Types in Filipino

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Charmane T. Espejo
Merry Ruth M. Gutierrez
Heidi B. Macahilig


comprehension levels, text type – narrative and expository texts test type – informal reading inventory, cloze test, retelling, education


This descriptive-correlation study assessed  the comprehension level of selected Grade 4 pupils by  subjecting them to three types of test (informal reading  inventory, cloze test, and retelling) in two kinds of texts  (narrative and expository). The results revealed that the  pupils had the same comprehension levels for each test  type no matter the genre of texts although of varying  levels: frustration in cloze test, instructional in informal  reading inventory, and independent in retelling. Overall,  the comprehension levels showed slight correlation  between text types, where an increase in narrative  comprehension level slightly increased the comprehension  level in expository texts. Meanwhile, a negative negligible  correlation was observed between comprehension levels  and test types using informal reading inventory and cloze  test while high positive correlation was observed between  comprehension level and test types using retelling. Results  suggested that comprehension levels depend on the test  type, not on the text types, and this calls for the use of  multiple assessments for instruction and placement.

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