Graduate Teacher Education in the Philippines: Observations and Prospects

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Adonis P. David
Zenaida Q. Reyes
Praksis A. Miranda
Ma. Jenina N. Nalipay
Inero V. Ancho
Maryfe M. Roxas


graduate teacher education, higher education institutions (HEI), Philippines


In cognizance of the role of graduate education in human capital development and nation building, the present study aimed to assess the status of graduate teacher education in the Philippines by describing the profile of graduate teacher education programs in both public and private higher education institutions (HEIs). To achieve the purpose of the study, the researchers used a descriptive research design wherein profile data on HEIs’ program offerings, program accreditation levels, and enrolment and graduation data were gathered from the Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) 2017 databases. The research yielded results which served as basis for the researchers in making observations and identifying prospects for improvement of the quality of profile and status of the country's graduate teacher education programs. The implications of the results to policy development, curricular reforms, and future research are discussed.
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