Effects of Stress Appraisal on Coping Strategies Mediated by Academic Efficacy from the Perspectives of BulSU Law Students

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Josefina Carreon Ochoa


academic efficacy, coping strategies, appraisal


Law program is not far behind the dilemma of choice and reality since the course creates stress which needs appraisal and coping. This study described the process of appraisal and the mediation of academic efficacy to coping ways. A total of 100 Law students in their mid-year participated in this quantitative, descriptive, correlational study that surveyed coping strategies, academic efficacy and stress appraisal. Correlational and regression analyses confirmed the direct and total positive effects of stress appraisal not on avoidance-focused but on problem-focused and emotion-focused coping. Academic efficacy mediates the relationship between stress appraisal and problem-focused coping (? = .30, t(97) = 3.80, SE = .08, p = .0003) and emotion-focused coping (? = .37, t(97) = 4.98, SE = .08, p = .00). The hypotheses that stress appraisal and academic efficacy were predictors of coping strategies and that academic efficacy mediated the relationship were validated. Implications for educational practice were forwarded.
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