Filipino Teachers' Reflections on Critical Pedagogy (CP) in Science Education

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Louie B. Dasas


critical pedagogy, Filipino teachers, Science education, science pedagogy


This study examined the Filipino teachers' reflections on critical pedagogy (CP) in Science education. More specifically, it described a) how Science teachers/ coordinators perceive CP, b) the degree to which Science teachers perceive to use CP in the classroom, and c) the applicability of CP elements in Science classrooms. This descriptive research made use of in-depth interviews and the CP survey questionnaire (CPSQ). Purposive sampling was used to select participants (n=11) from three different schools in Metro Manila. In-depth interviews were analyzed thematically, while CPSQ data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that participants displayed a functional understanding of CP in terms of aims, goals, and dynamics of use. Beginning teachers remain ideal as per the degree of using CP in the classroom compared to experienced teachers. The study suggests that some CP elements could be well applied in Science education in terms of content and methodology.
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