Dicimus Docere (Call to Teach): Reliving Education Through Tutorial Sessions

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Joshua Edson G. Ordiz
Vangilit G. Retome


extension research, noble profession, peer tutorial, practice teaching, small-group discussion


The necessity to train student-teachers for an increasingly evolving curriculum will only mean that every tertiary institution should strive to produce passionate and committed educators. The study explored the underlying teaching experiences of all 96 student teacher-extensionists during tutorial sessions. Their teaching experience has been transformed into the phases of experiential learning theory and explored using mixed-method research design. Findings showed that these preservice teachers discovered the passion for teaching amidst challenges in the chosen profession, as such, teaching was neither innate nor a calling; teaching is chosen and enhanced through reflective and relevant personal experiences across experiential stages. With these findings, a substantial increment of firsthand teaching activities like tutorial sessions should be an integral component in a teacher education curriculum.
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