Concepts in Context for Technical-Vocational and Livelihood Track Mathematics Curricular Enhancements

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Jo Ann M. Petancio


home economics, information and communication technology, mathematical literacy, technical-vocational and livelihood track, vocational education


With the ever widening jobs-skills mismatch, it is the role of every country's educational system to equip its students with the necessary skills to prepare them for the world of work. To determine what skills the industries expect from their workforce, this study explored the diversity of the applications of mathematics in the workplace as perceived by the skilled workers. This qualitative survey research purposively tapped 50 skilled workers from hairdressing, food and beverage, bread and pastry, call center and computer hardware sectors. After a three-level data analysis, the results showed how mathematics concepts like numbers and number sense, measurement, logic and technology integration were embedded in the context of production, services and sales in the different sectors. The researcher proposed curricular enhancements for Mathematics in the Senior High School Technical-Vocational and Livelihood Track and recommended that the study findings be used for a quantitative survey research.
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