Content Analysis of K to 12 World History Teaching Guides in terms of Teaching Approaches

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Arnie G. Dizon


content analysis, historical thinking skills, teaching approaches, teaching guides, World History


This study is a content analysis of the Philippines Department of Education K to 12 World History teaching guides, focusing on teaching approaches geared towards the development of historical thinking skills among Grade 8 students. Learning activities purposively chosen by the researcher were categorized and coded using ATLAS.ti, a qualitative data analysis software. Then, themes that emerged were validated by three historians. Results showed more emphasis on the inquiry approach while there is lesser emphasis on the multidisciplinary approach. This means that students could easily identify continuity and change as teaching guides are heavily oriented on the inquiry approach, but they could hardly take historical perspectives due to limited activities based on multidisciplinary approach. It is recommended that instructional material writers should give equal emphasis on teaching approaches indicated in the curriculum. This is to provide equity and equality for the development of various historical thinking skills.
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