Awareness of Filipino Graduate Students towards Philippine English

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Hjalmar Punla Hernandez


Filipino graduate students, language awareness, Philippine English


While World Englishes (WEs) studies have been charted in Applied Linguistics and English Language Education research, WEs awareness is an area underexplored (Ahn, 2014, 2015). The study investigated Filipino graduate students' awareness towards Philippine English (PhE) in terms of its meanings, features, and uses. Using descriptive survey through a five-point Likert scale questionnaire answered by 95 graduate students from a premier Teacher Education Institution (TEI), the study revealed that they had moderate awareness of PhE. Likewise, they could be safely perceived as relatively aware of PhE. However, this finding does not certainly mean that they were all-knowledgeable of PhE. Therefore, the study recommends that PhE must be 'legitimately' promoted across Philippine education system. Its promotion can only materialize through the mandate of the Commission on Higher Education and Department of Education. The study draws its implications toward Philippine educational policies, teacher education, and English language curricula.
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