Driving Forces of Students' Choice in Specializing Science: A Science Education Context in the Philippines Perspective

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Jayson A. Dela Fuente


Driving Forces, Narrative Inquiry, Students’ Choice in Science, Science Education, Qualitative


Science Education plays a significant role in the country’s economic development. It brings technological advancement, promotes national wealth, and improves health and industry. In this context, the qualitative study explored the participants’ experiences regarding their choice in specializing Science. Narrative inquiry from four purposively selected and interviewed graduating students of Secondary Education in Teacher Education Institutions in Northern Negros Philippines determined and described that Personal Interest, Nature of Science, Family Influence and Teacher’s Impact drives their interest to specialize Science. Data analysis involved a simplified version of Groenewald’s coding and categorizing the participants’ responses (Cebuano) which then transcribed and translated to the English language. The emerging themes are essential in students’ choice in Science. Thus, academic institutions may revisit and review its science curriculum, provide state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, strengthen teacher’s mastery and competence through professional advancement, and involve parents in school’s career campaign to attract students’ to pursue science education.
Abstract 13180 | PDF Downloads 5009


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