Assessing the Training Needs of Teachers on the 21st Century Pedagogical Skills and Personal Development

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Nicette N. Ganal
Marissa R. Guiab
Ma. Lina P. Sario


needs assessment, pedagogical skills, professional development, teachers, training


The study identified and assessed the training needs of teachers on the 21st century pedagogical skills and personal development. The participants included randomly selected 92 (30%) of 307 elementary school teachers from the Department of Education in Alicia, Isabela. In gathering data, the researchers administered a survey questionnaire and informal interview. Data analysis focused on descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage and mean. Findings revealed that teachers need professional training on the following 21st century pedagogical skills: content knowledge, use of ICT, strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, and research-based knowledge and principles in teaching and learning. They also need personal development training in stress management, interpersonal and communication skills and balancing work and family. They have moderate to high level of training need. They prefer presentation format like demonstration, lecture, use of videos and field trip, and flexible schedule. The study may help school administrators to develop and implement a contextualized training and development program package for a specific group of teachers.
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