Performance Feedback and Monitoring Notebook (PF&MN): Influence on Performance, Students’ Views and Achievement in Physics

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Dario L. Logmao


achievement, assessment, feedback, monitoring


This study determined the influence of Performance Feedback and Monitoring Notebook (PF&MN) on the seven areas of performance, the views of two classes of Bachelor of Graphics Technology major in Architecture Technology (BGT-AT) composed of 59 students is in this feedback mechanism on assessments (formative and summative), and their achievement in Physics. The PF&MN is an assessment portfolio, containing necessary information of the students, a summary of the students’ accomplishments, answer sheets for written assessments, and feedbacks for each assessment. The notebook was used for the assessments and served as the record of the scores obtained in each test. Surveys before taking the post achievement test obtained the views of the students on the use of the notebook, and its influence on performances. Results showed that the notebook has a high positive influence in the area of “assessment of learning” and moderate positive influence on the other six areas of performance considered in this study. The notebook monitored performance, profoundly reflected the performance, and encouraged students to perform better in Physics. There was a significant change in the achievement of the students in this study, which may be due to the influence of the notebook on performance in Physics; thus, using the PF&MN continuously in Physics and other subjects is highly recommended.
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