“Help is finally here!” – Role of Tertiary Institutes in the Promotion of Philippine Mental Health Law (RA 11036)

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Jayson Amber T. Ong
Jimnah Naomi T. Ciron
Celinniel S.J. De Guzman
Jonathan P. Diokno


Mental health law, RA11036, Tertiary institutes


To correct negative stigma and support mental health well-being, the Philippines enacted RA 11036 otherwise known as the Philippine Mental Health Law. Using exploratory qualitative method of research, this study mapped the perceived (a) source of mental health concerns, (b) hindrances in the promotion of mental health well-being and (c) activities to promote RA11036 in tertiary institutes. Participants of this study are 12 teachers and administrators which were identified using maximum variation sampling. Data were collected using one-on-one in-depth interview. Results revealed that there were six perceived sources of mental health issues in the institutes :self-acceptance, culture, financial status, technology, environment, and organizational crisis. Also, there were three hindrances in promoting the law: or unawareness, anxiety and inactivity of the implementers. Moreover, there were six perceived activities and solutions to support mental health law: peer counselling, trainings, social activities, religious activities, sharing of experiences and conduct of research.
Abstract 853 | PDF Downloads 623


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