UGNAYAN: A Proposed Knowledge Sharing Model for Senior High School Work Immersion Program

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Salve A. Favila
Joseph P. Erfe
Marivic M. Pimentel
Dorothy J. Naval
Myrna G. Rabina
Lorena A. Castro
Cristina D. Macascas
Ma. Lourdes S. Agustin


developmental research, knowledge sharing, work immersion


This study developed a proposed knowledge sharing model for senior high school work immersion program, which employed qualitative developmental design in two phases: phase 1 (foundation), and phase 2 (development). The research team used convenience and purposive sampling techniques to recruit a total of 96 participants for the written-response interview, focus group discussion, and round table discussion. The team used coding system to analyze the qualitative data generated in both phases. In addition, the team triangulated the main data with observation notes, pertinent documents, and artifacts to establish validity. The themes that evolved are adherence to standard, bound readiness, guaranteed commitment, discernment of proper action, and verity of fulfillment. These results established the foundation and basis for the second phase of the study, (model development), The researchers employed analysis-feedack method in finalizing the developed model. Lastly, the team recommends the use of a quantitative research design in future studies to measure the generalizability of the model called Ugnayan.
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