Flipped Classroom Approach: Experiences from a Philippine State University

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Roselyn R. Gonzales


descriptive phenomenology, lived experiences, flipped classroom, thematic analysis


The flipped classroom approach has gained popularity in the education system in recent years; thus, the present study explored the 49 second-year regular, pre-service teachers’ lived experiences relevant to the employment of the aforesaid approach. In the Focus Group Discussion (FGD), themes emerged from participants’ responses and selected outputs, with the aid of the NVivo software application. Descriptive phenomenology yielded five themes categorized into two parts: a) lived experiences of the student –participants and b) challenges encountered by the participants. The study revealed that flipped classroom approach could be used effectively in subjects like Child and Adolescent Development and Action Research in Mathematics. Challenges encountered by the participants pointed mainly to the approach and to the technological package. Experiences of the participants were varied, serving inputs for the improved implementation of such an approach.
Abstract 3048 | PDF Downloads 286


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