Application of Problem-based Learning Approach in Senior High School on Community-based Hazard Identification and Assessment

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Mark Anthony C. Mamon


disaster risk reduction, hazard, pedagogical approach, problem-based learning, senior high school


This study assessed the effectiveness of using problem-based learning (PBL) approach in senior high school on hazard identification and assessment in the community. This action research applied PBL approach to a Grade 11 class taking up Earth and Life Science Subject at a Senior High School in Las Piñas City. Fifty-six (56) grade 11 students served as the participants. The teacher-researcher applied the PBL approach procedure in teaching selected DRR learning competencies, and required the students to submit group narrative and documentation reports containing their identified and assessed hazards, including their proposed feasible solutions. The teacher-researcher applied document analysis or systematic evaluation to these outputs to understand and gain insights on the learning of the students. Findings show that students were able to explain the concepts and principles of hazards, and they were able to identify and assess community hazards, specifically geological, water and climatic, environmental and biological, and accident-related hazards. Through PBL approach, the students were also able to propose feasible solutions that can be implemented in the community. Thus, PBL approach is relevant for the students to understand the basic concepts of hazards, and is proven effective to learn hazard identification and solving problems. This study proposes the quantitative assessment of learning outcomes in DRR competencies of students using PBL, and the teacher’s standpoint and evaluation on using this pedagogical approach.
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