Value-Laden School-Based Management Functions of Filipino School Heads

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Alfredo Jr. G. Desamparo
Caridad N. Barrameda


continuing development program, School-Based Management (SBM), school heads, value-laden


This descriptive study employed both quantitative and qualitative methods of research. It assessed the value-laden School-Based Management (SBM) functions of secondary school heads in the Division of Malabon City. Questionnaires and unstructured interviews collected data from 10 school heads and 200 teachers chosen using a convenient sampling procedure. Results revealed that all indicators in the six components of the value-laden SBM functions obtained “Demonstrated” descriptive ratings. Furthermore, the study showed that there is a need to further enhance the school heads’ competencies on educational leadership, curriculum management, and community building. It is recommended that the crafted program be considered for implementation.
Abstract 1178 | PDF Downloads 156


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