Applying Health and Food Literacy Models to College Students' Nutrition Knowledge and Salt Consumption

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Maria Cecila V. Zamora


Health Literacy, Food Literacy, College Students, Nutrition Knowledge and Habits, Salt consumption


This descriptive quantitative study examined the college students' nutrition knowledge and salt consumption by applying Nutbeam's Health Literacy (NHL) and Grier's Food Literacy (GFL) models. These models identified the underlying factors behind nutritional knowledge on salt and salt consumption. The study surveyed 664 students from 13 colleges of different courses from first year to fifth year in a state university in Diliman, Quezon City, through stratified random sampling. Data were analyzed using frequency and percentages. The survey revealed that 96% of the respondents were unaware of the recommended salt intake per day while 72% preferred salted food because of its affordability, accessibility, and taste than unsalted food. More than half of the respondents add salt for flavor during cooking, and add salt to their food while eating and 67% do not control their salt intake. Based on these results, it may be confirmed that health and food literacy are related to college students' unhealthy dietary habits. Thus, the empirical evidence may infer how health professionals may develop health literacy materials that will enhance students' knowledge on healthy dietary practices in particular salt consumption.

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