Science Investigatory Project Instruction: The Secondary Schools Journey

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Joje Mar P. Sanchez
Rufina C. Rosaroso


investigatory projects, science teaching, secondary schools


Science investigatory projects (SIPs) are authentic tasks that science teachers implement in science curriculum. With this, the study investigated the journey of the secondary schools in SIP instruction through the lens of the teachers. Narrative inquiry from 12 purposively selected and interviewed science teachers/winning coaches from six schools in an SIP consistent winning Division in Central Visayas, Philippines revealed that the SIP instruction journey is affected by the teachers’ prior background and implementation. They are seen to be instrumental in the SIP process, as they instill basic research skills to high school investigators, and develop the science character which is needed for them to engage in innovations in science and technology (S&T). As the teachers implement SIP instruction, they commit themselves to the development of S&T, thus placing a crucial role in the scientific community where they also develop the science research culture in the basic education level. Science teachers then should guide the students in the planning, conduct and assessment phases of SIP instruction.

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SIP (Science Investigatory Projects): Do we dread or it’s a deed?

Students’ early engagement in research may provide higher chances of improving the knowledge-based economy of the country. Consequently, teachers who serve as mentors and SIP advisers commit themselves to the development of science, innovation and technology for a better society. How is their plight as SIP adviser? Two professors (Joje Mar P. Sanchez and Rufina C. Rosaroso) form Cebu Normal University conducted the study entitled “Science Investigatory Project Instruction: The Secondary Schools’ Journey”. This study investigated the journey of the secondary schools in SIP instruction through the lens of the teachers.
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