Preventing Homework Copying through Online Homework in a Math Class

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Celina P. Sarmiento
Maricar S. Prudente


Homework copying, math education, MyOpenMath, online homework


This article presents a potential solution to one of the prevailing issues of paper-and-pencil homework in mathematics–copying. We investigated the reasons why students copy homework and determined how they usually do it. Then, we used the information gathered to design an online homework using the features of MyOpenMath, an open source learning management system that can possibly address the limitations of traditional homework. A set of online homework that administers algorithmically generated parallel homework questions to each student, provides immediate feedback, and offers students unlimited attempts to get the problem right was developed as a result. After which, we explored how students approached the online homework and studied if it was able to prevent copying of homework among students. A class with 32 participants was observed for this endeavor. Interviews, outputs, and reflection papers from the class were analyzed to reach our aims. Two studen cases were presented to demonstrate how homework copying is usually done and to further examine and comprehend the impact of online homework. Student A narrated how online homework at MyOpenMath prevented him from copying and forced him to engage in answering homework. Student B's experience described why some students allow others to copy their homework and how the online homework led her to  tutor her classmates. By and large, the MyOpenMath online homework was able to prevent copying among students and was able to generate remarkable improvement to students' homework answering practices.

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