Designing Authentic Assessments within Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning: Critical Reflections on Practice

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Enriqueta D. Reston
Jaremilleta M. Arawiran


Authentic assessments, critical reflection, constructive alignment, five-dimensional framework, Outcomes-based teaching and learning


Within the framework of Constructive Alignment in Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL), we examined the connections between teaching practice and student outcomes in the implementation of authentic performance assessment in pre-service teacher education. Using the case study design, we described the interactions of teaching-learning and assessment in the implementation of an authentic assessment task based on a Five-Dimensional Framework. From the lens of critical reflections on teaching practice, we found that authentic assessment provided a holistic approach to classroom assessment where formative assessments are embedded within a summative performance task. Students found the activity a meaningful learning experience as they produced quality products and performances that relate to their future role as professional teachers. We conclude on the importance of authentic assessments in aligning teaching and assessment with student learning outcomes and recommend the use of organizing frameworks in both planning and reflection of teaching and assessment practices.
Abstract 7127 | PDF Downloads 1755


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