An Exploration of the Factors Affecting Graduate Degree Completion in a Teacher Education Institution (TEI): Inputs for Graduate Program Management and Pedagogy

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Teresita T. Rungduin
Praksis A. Miranda


degree completion, graduate students, graduate research, life events, work-life balance


The study examined factors that affect completion of a graduate program in a teacher education institution. Using Dreze and Sen's overarching concept of entitlement, online questionnaires about the respondents' workloads and other life factors were content analyzed. Seventy-five graduate students participated by answering a computer-based questionnaire asking about their status as thesis writers. The graduate students pointed to being given administrative assignment and additional tasks as coaches and club advisers as affecting their rate of completion, while finances, health considerations and family-related concerns were the life factors that hindered their capacity to complete their degrees. Support groups, assistantships, and health and wellness programs were suggested as inputs for managing graduate programs.

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