The Content and Language Integrated Learning Implementation: Speaking Skills in Graduate Classes

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Nuchwana Luanganggoon
Phatchara Phantharakphong
Phongthanat Sae-Joo
Jiradawan Huntula


classroom assessment, content and language integrated learning, pedagogy in higher education


Integrating language learning within the experiences to learn the subject content knowledge has become a focus of attention in recent years in various countries. The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach by focusing on the speaking skills in a purposely selected single graduate class in Biochemistry. Document analysis and classroom observations were the main sources of data. The results show that speaking skills of the learners could be improved using this approach and that the key success factors include well-designed classroom activities, moderate class size, and special attention to assessment. It is recommended that teachers should be aware of the limitation of students' language background, classroom context and culture in implementing this approach to language development.
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