Looking Through the Digital Portfolios of Teachers at Different Career Stages: Lessons and Reasons

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Marilyn U. Balagtas
Marilou M. Ubina


Digital portfolio, portfolio assessment, teachers at different career stages


This study aimed to examine the individual digital portfolios of three classes of students in a Teacher Education Institution (TEI) in the Philippines to assess their knowledge, skills and other learnings gained from the assessment courses they enrolled in. They were at different stages in their teaching career, namely: pre-service teachers in an undergraduate assessment course; in-service teachers in a master's program in elementary education; and in-service teachers in a doctoral program in science education. They were all taught in a blended learning mode by one course professor within two school years. A thorough exploration of students' written journals and other contents of their digital portfolios showed the power of portfolio for assessment for, as, and of learning. However, a continuum of professional standards on assessment for teachers at different career stages is recommended for a more appropriate curriculum and assessment of their learning.
Abstract 569 | PDF Downloads 988


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