One Dance, Different Moves: A Qualitative Study on Filipino Counselor Educators' Pedagogy

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Adonis P. David
John Jamir Benzon R. Aruta


ASEAN Counseling, Counselor education, Counselor Educators, Pedagogy


This qualitative study was conducted to describe the pedagogy used by Filipino counselor educators through the views and experiences of a select group of Filipino counseling education students. Adopting a phenomenological design, qualitative data from a select group of counseling education students were collected through individual interviews. Cool and warm analyses were performed to examine the qualitative responses of the participants. From the findings emerged five broad themes describing the different pedagogical moves employed by Filipino counselor educators: (1) modelling positive behaviour and competence; (2) mentoring by scaffolding; (3) designing out-of-class learning experiences; (4) teaching through research; and (5) developing reflective practice through experiential learning. The findings of this study highlight the need for counselor educators to be trained on the ways and means of facilitating learning for the optimal development of prospective counselors.
Abstract 558 | PDF Downloads 298


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