Transformative Pedagogy in Women Studies

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Zenaida Q. Reyes
Minda C. Valencia


lifelong learning skills, transformative education, women empowerment


This is a case study that looked into the pedagogy of transformative education applied to a course in Women Studies in one of the Teacher Education Institutions based in Manila, Philippines. Two sets of cases were included in this study. the first set were the twenty (20) students who facilitated the action research and the second set were the fifteen (15) women who developed the projects in one of the communities in Manila. It investigated how various action research projects of students in Women Studies were able to develop lifelong learning skills that led to empowerment of women in the community. These lifelong learning skills acquired by women include acquiring new mindset, strength of character, sharing one's knowledge, having new disposition in life, taking care of one's body and building self-confidence, patience and resiliency. Lifelong learning skills were not limited to the women in the community. Since students of Women Studies developed action research projects, the process enabled the students to have a deeper understanding of gender issues and women empowerment, self knowledge and application of theories and concepts on Women Studies to real life situation.
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